Created in 2023, Dusk Diaries is a space where I share insights into life aboard cruise ships, travel adventures, and the social dynamics of exploring the world. It's also a place for me to document my thoughts while I'm away from family and friends, connecting with readers who share a love for discovery.
My journey began working as a Food and Beverage Attendant and later transitioning into administration. Along the way, I’ve had the privilege of traveling from Bali, Indonesia, to Europe, Australia, Africa, and Latin America. Each destination has introduced me to incredible people and cultures that have shaped my perspective.
Five continents, 66 countries, and hundreds of photos later, Dusk Diaries has evolved into a travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to explore new places and meet fascinating individuals. Whether we’re uncovering hidden gems or capturing unforgettable moments, the goal is to create content that encourages readers to see more of the world.
When I’m not on assignment or exploring new destinations while working, you can find me back in my hometown of Bali, where it all began.
Picture : Sorrento, Italy, 2024
Get in touch
Sanur, Bali